Can a personal injury lawyer help me with this?

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How important is it to hire a local personal injury lawyer?

Having represented those injured or who have lost loved ones for over 33 years, I am often asked: how important is it to hire a local personal injury lawyer? My experience has shown that it is quite important to choose one who practices locally, and is experienced and well-respected within the local community. In areas of the law such as tax or intellectual property, the location of one’s attorney is not particularly consequential.  These areas of the law are governed by national rules and regulations. But personal injury and wrongful death cases are different. It is fair to state that knowledge of the locality brings value to both tangible and intangible aspects of your legal representation.  Whether involved in a truck or car collision

How to conduct a good investigation: A Plaintiff’s Lawyer Checklist

As a plaintiff’s lawyer, I am often retained to help injured people and their families long after the harm has occurred. Most people—rightfully—focus on medical care, recovery and grieving. On the defendant’s side, insurance companies know about a serious crash or injury incident almost immediately. They have investigators, experts and lawyers on retainer. Their team usually goes to the scene of the incident. They get photographs, measurements and witness statements. They can instruct their own insured, employees and agents not to make any statements. Over the course of my career, I have been retained very soon after an incident or crash…or many years later. What I have learned: no matter when you are retained, it is critically important to investigate


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